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How To Manage Your Own Basic Store & Become Store Manager

Learn all the core skills required to be a successful Store Manager – from inventory management to sales team training


Are you looking to manage a retail chain’s outlet store or manage your own?

Are you a manager looking to get into the industry?

Or an assistant/associate looking to learn the skills for your next promotion?

If your answer to any of these answers is “yes”, you’re in the right place – welcome!

Managing a store is a complex thing, with hundreds of different things to take into account every day. This is why it is also a high-paid position, with many managers enjoying both the pleasure of material luxuries as well as a positively-challenging job.

However, almost all courses are very expensive and very long – not very practical for someone who is already working all day, or someone who has very little money to spare.

If this sounds familiar, then this is the perfect course for you – your search has ended!

In this course, you will learn the very basics of store management, featuring the following lectures:

• [Lecture 1-2] Business 101: What a business REALLY is and what it means to be a Store Manager

• [Lecture 3-6] Inventory Management Basics: How to manage a store’s stock levels using spreadsheets & get values for reorder requests

• [Lecture 7-11] The Art of Selling in a Store: The philosophies and best strategies to get your customers to listen to you and get them to buy as much as possible

• [Lecture 12-14] Employee Management Best-Practice: Hiring employees and top mentality to best motivate them to perform

• [Lecture 15] Data Analysis For Optimization: Become a spreadsheet adept and learn to manipulate numbers easily to get the revenues and revenue changes

• [Lecture 16] Advanced Store Optimization – Store Heatmaps & Store Layout Optimization: Get a first look at advanced store optimization strategies like store layout maps, heatmaps, and a basic exercise to learn Store Layout Optimization

All of the above is condensed into just 2h – no time-wasting, no useless content, only the most important is kept!

Sounds good?

Who this course is for:

  • Anybody interested in a quick course to learn the art of managing a basic retail store

What you’ll learn

  • The critical thinking skills all successful Store Managers have
  • How to manage stock levels and forecast future demand
  • Sales techniques, employee hiring and maintaining employee motivation
  • Store Data Analytics and store layout optimization to maximize sales and profits


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